Recently, I started following a Korean drama titled The Queen’s Classroom, a remake of a Japanese drama by the same name. It recently aired its sixth episode and in total will consists of 16 episodes. It has captured my interests to a degree similar to Gaksital and That Winter, The Wind Blows. It is one of the two dramas I am currently watching, both of them excellent, the other one being I Hear Your Voice.
Without further ado, I would like to introduce you all to a special guest who has traveled across the blogosphere to lend her time to this special conversation. Blogger Analogueblues from the fabulous blog linked [here] and I will be sharing our thoughts on the first six episodes of The Queen’s Classroom, trying our bests to delve deep into its themes, characters and the meaning behind it all.
For those curious, we hope to reconvene in the future to publish two additional posts, covering Ep. 7-12 and Ep. 13-16. I hope that all of you will enjoy our posts and feel the sheer joy I felt during this collaboration with Analogueblues, who graciously dedicated her time and made this collaboration truly enjoyable.